Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Grab a Cuppa

I spent a heck of a lot of time reading journals online today.
This is one of the best essays I've read in ages.
This guy wrote it.
Take ten minutes and read it. Nice. Real nice like.


deanna said...

Pretty darn cool. What he said is what drives me sometimes.

Bum Atom said...

Ill read it

Anonymous said...

at the end of the dedication, there at the bottom, i exhaled and rubbed my flat palm on the top of my head. and i felt very sad that i am at work and can not go for a walk to think about patrick lane and stories and chairs i've sat in over the years. this was good. and it makes me want a long evening of stories.

Mike S said...

This had special meaning to me as I spent a number of years in the Mid-East. Part of the language problem would be recognized by an old Mid-East Ex-Patriot. There are as many dialects and idioms in the Arabic languages, plus Farsi & Urdu and others, as there are distinct clans and tribes there. The same is true of most countries, including those we enjoy living in. A great read, thanks so much for the link. Like hamster, I too find myself reminiscing about by-gone days and craving stories:)

cecily said...

I have a confession to make. I sometimes have an inferiority complex around here because I'm kinda smart enough, but I don't always get the literary comments and I'm too lazy to figure out the secret meaning of a poem when I'm not so in tune with it and I can't instantly get the secret meaning. So I wasn't going to go and follow this link because I figured I'd be too literarily stupid to get it. But after all your encouraging comments - I've mustered up the courage and I will go read it!