Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Because I love a good love song just as much as the next girl


Anonymous said...


Oh, Angela, you've inspired me to post a scarier love song than this - one performed in the 70s. (Nothing compares to guys in tight pants!)

Anonymous said...

So, I posted it, but I left the wrong link with my name in the last comment (see, I want you to look at my video, if you can stand to). Now, if you click on my name you'll find it. Maybe.

Angela said...

deanna, i freaking love this song. it is so fantastic.

guys in tight pants? naw. old jeans and t-shirts, lady. that's the trick.

Anonymous said...

chad & I worked a the gab together AND were in art school together... Yeah... I can be cool by proximity! He does all of his own animation. This is one of my faves..
and this one too

Anonymous said...

actually technically Dan R also worked with him at the gap too.. I guess Dan is cool by proximity too...

Angela said...

ya, i really like the flower gardens one, too. hey! he's got a show in vancouver at the end of the month. i was half thinking about hopping in the car and road tripping it down there to see him. oh, you and luis should come. it'd be crazy, crazy fun.