Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I'm getting some really exciting feedback on the sex post idea. Wahoo!!!
So, I'm in no hurry. Let's keep thinking about this for awhile and I'll remind you to send in your thoughts/stories/poems/lyric essays/art/whatever your beautiful brain thinks of, and I'll put it all together into something fantabulous when it feels done. Ya?


cecily said...

i want to do this, but am busy preparing assignments at the moment. ho hum. I have a feeling there will be no category for what i write...

Angela said...


let's screw categories.

yeah, i hear you on the busy. i'm just back from iowa again, and glory me, the work a knockin' on my door...

no hurry. even if you get it to me in the next three or four months that would be lovely. no need to pound it out right this second, but i'm excited to hear what you want to say.