Saturday, November 3, 2007

Thank You

I just finished reading, "Till We Have Faces" by C. S. Lewis and sat on the couch crying a little. It's been so long since I've read anything so beautiful and kind that it made me cry, and I don't know how it all works up there, or if any of it matters anymore, but I do know that good words cause sweat and headaches and sometimes despair, and so I asked, that if maybe it wasn't too silly, and if he remembered this at all, that He could pass on my heartfelt, watery-eyed thanks for all those dearly bought words.


deanna said...

My thanks would tag along with yours. An amazing story, so truly well done.

Anonymous said...

nobody has anything on C.S. Lewis when it comes to sharing redemption words like sunshine and an apocalyspe. not nobody, nowhere. sometimes i start to wonder if jesus stole from him, then i remember that jesus never said anything about lions. then i remember that Jesus is a lion (of Judah), and the lion is guilty by association.

another story though: the holy trinity had a competition for best worldly appearance: God had to opt out because nobody can see him and all that, Jesus came as himself, forseeing it was probably a good idea to come before enormous technological things happened, and the romans really were unbearable to watch. The Holy Ghost being all knowing and stuff, decided he'd wait for modernity because it really offended him. So he took the guise of an oxford professor not liking jesus' robe idea too much, and wrote stories about talking animals, because well, after jesus went and saved the whole world, what was there left to do? some people liked them so much they thought jesus was in the animals, prompting our oxford professor to choke on his gin and tonic because pantheism is even more strange than talking animals. things really went nuts when the professor's best friend wrote a book where everyone thought Jesus was a short person, a short person with harry feet, a viking warrior, a magician, an elven maiden and star in a bottle. however, there is still a friendly debate going between the ghost and jesus, as to whether the son was better as a lion or a lepper-healer, or if he should have been a stealth bomber.

the end.

Unknown said...

it's 5:30am and i'm working on an essay because i can't sleep. that made me smile. i heart joel.

Unknown said...

deanna, i'm reading screwtape letters right now. sigh. not nearly as good and it's got me second guessing every little thought i have! but ya, still good.

deanna said...

Joel, I smiled too at that story. And I was sorry to hear you left the Gutenberg landscape, but I wish you the best. You can write. I hope you will.

Cherie said...

Angela, I wish you could come to my house and visit with my daughter, Cassie, who is reading the very same book which I assigned to her. At first she was upset - "They're about to kill the youngest sister! I don't want to read it anymore." - next thing I know her nose is buried in it, she's almost done, she says she's glad I made her continue.

I wish you could be here to sniffle with'd make her happy.

Angela said...

ah, you know all those anonymous comments are me, right?

cherie, you're daughter's a lucky duck to have a mom who makes her read such good stuff. i wish we could read and sniffle together, too!